Giving Back

You're helping us make an impact globally. Each sale will allow us give back a portion to the countries where your beans are grown! We donate via GlobalGiving.Org ,a non-profit that lists projects in more than 175 countries. See the current projects we are helping to fund with each Abbot Coffee cup you drink, and maybe discover a project that you also want to give back to ...


Orbis Provides Clean Water to Save Sight, Ethiopia
Orbis plans to eliminate trachoma in remote regions of Ethiopia in the hope to cure thousands of people suffering from the painful, blinding and life destroying eye disease - trachoma. It will do this by ensuring communities have regular access to clean water and sanitation. Orbis has started building and repairing the water pumps in the project areas.
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Providing Safe and Clean Water in Peru
by Action Change (Formerly GVI Trust)

With the increase in tourism and demand for water for local farming, there is an urgent need for water management and conservation efforts around Peru. The surge of the pandemic also means an increase in demand for clean water for sanitation and hygiene, this is unfortunately not possible due to their infrastructure. A gift to our project will help us to focus on water conservation to improve the lifestyles of the whole community and provide sustainable access to clean water.

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Support Teachers in Remote Village of East Baliby Yayasan Ekoturisme Indonesia

Help teachers to keep providing high quality integrated education to 70 girls and boys in EBPP's remote Jatituhu & Pengalusan schools situated high up Mount Abang and Mount Agung slopes respectively. Their parents are illiterate and these children are their only hope of a better future, to escape poverty and aspire to a future of sustainable social and economic development and prosperity. The teachers are the most important element on the education. Without them, the students cannot learn.

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by Corporacion Superarse
Since COVID, Colombia has had an overwhelming increase in the number of children living in poverty. Since 1970, this project has been seeking to protect children at risk of abuse as well as help them and their families daily with education,food, psychosocial support,recreation,health,prevention of child pregnancy and guidance. We also work to keep them away from the dangers of being on the streets, child labor, and other forms of child abuse. Every year more than 200 children receive support.
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Support Children's Literacy in Honduras
by JustWorld International 
JustWorld partners with Asociacion Compartir to provide a Mobile Library to communities in rural Honduras. The JustWorld Mobile Library brings learning directly to children living in remote towns where it is economically and geographically too challenging for children to attend school. Books help children develop basic language skills, critical thinking skills, they help nourish imaginations, answer questions, create questions, inspire, comfort, and offer a great escape.
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Improve Nicaraguan Farmers Nutrition & Incomes
by Self-Help International

Protein is often unaffordable for low-income Nicaraguan farm families, but Quality Protein Maize (QPM) is an affordable crop farm families can feed their children. Self-Help's interventions help improve food security for low-income rural families, by increasing agricultural production to improve nutrition. SHI provides trainings on improved farming methods and the importance of QPM, which is higher yielding than creole corn and has 90% of the protein found in a glass of skim milk.

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Tackling Malnutrition in Young Children in Mexico

In Mexico, 14 million children under ten are living in marginalized communities. In these communities, they suffer from issues ranging from food insecurity to malnutrition and obesity. For over 20 years, Fundacion Nutriendo has served the children of San Luis Potosi by assisting them in combating situations where food affordability and instability are a constant concern in their communities. Our program currently serves 4,200 children, providing them with meals, and monthly medical evaluations.

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Check out GlobalGiving.Org and all the organizations they support!